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Map of Santa Fe County, New Mexico

Santa Fe County,
New Mexico

Population: 154,00

Jail Capacity: 612 beds; average daily population of 256

Santa Fe County, an urban county located in the northcentral region of New Mexico, is home to four tribal groups. The county has a demographic composition that includes 50% Hispanic/Latino, 43.4% White, and 4.3% Native American/Alaskan Native individuals.

Santa Fe County shares a border with the neighboring Rio Arriba County, which has the highest overdose rate in the state at 123.8 per 100,000 residents. The proximity of Rio Arriba to Santa Fe County may affect the availability of heroin and Fentanyl in the latter county. The New Mexico Department of Health reports that fatal Fentanyl overdose rates in the state surged by 136% from 2019 to 2020.

The Santa Fe County detention center provides treatment services in a variety of different modalities. The detention center offers short- and long-lasting naltrexone medication assisted treatment (MAT). The County also offers substance use treatment and therapeutic services through its evidence-based Matrix Program. However, only a small percentage of inmates with opioid use disorder (approximately 65% identified at intake) receive MAT. The county is seeking help to expand its current MAT programming and to increase understanding and about MAT's evidence-based nature to community stakeholders.

The prevalence of fatal opioid overdoses in both Santa Fe County and the state of New Mexico is significantly higher than the national average. These alarming figures highlight the need for urgent and targeted interventions to tackle the opioid epidemic in the region. The high fatality rates not only represent a significant public health concern but also have serious economic and societal implications. Sante Fe County hopes that Building Bridges can assist towards creating a more comprehensive approach to addressing substance use disorders that benefit both the inmates and the community at large.